Things calmed down after we arrived on the island. We took a boat with a guide around the whole island checking out the many grottos including a blue grotto where the sun shines through and creates this amazing blue colour in the water. Very peaceful and beautiful - spectacular scenery and very relaxing on our little boat. Unfortunately it is jellyfish season so we could not swim. The water is still a little cool but it did look very inviting - but apparently these jelly fish leave a nasty sting and scar so not really worth it.
After the boat cruise we took another crazy bus ride up to the town of Anacapri where we then caught a chairlift up to the very top of the island. Absolutely beautiful view. It is interesting though that Naples cannot be seen from any viewpoint as it seems to be covered in smog. Does not look like a very inviting place.
We wandered around Anacapri which is a very sweet and pretty town then caught another crazy bus down to the main town of Capri. The kids had a little dip in the ocean on the "beach" - very large rocks and pebbles making it a very wobbly entrance to the water.
Ferry back to Sorento for gelato and coffee and then bus back to convent.
So in summary - bus-ferry-boat-bus-chairlift-bus-ferry-bus-gelato-bus. No wonder I feel tired this afternoon!!