Today (Tuesday) we took our flight on the London Eye (see picture). Fabulous. Really worth it. The view is amazing and it is so well organised and well run (yay the British!). It also included a 4D show before the flight which was also really fun.
We then took a trip up the Thames to Greenwich. A lovely area with the most amazing buildings everywhere you look.
Chris was mostly excited by finding the Meridian - which we eventually found. We would not have wanted to be on the amazing race as we walked past the damn plaque at least three times before we spotted it. Chris did not let us give up though! Photo is of Chris and his happy moment of finding 0 degrees. Accountant.
After spending some time wandering around Greenwich and having a picnic lunch (thank goodness for Marks and Spencers!) we took the boat back to Waterloo. Picture is of Lilly eating one of the Wilson family favourites - a Walnut whip!
We wandered some more to see Big Ben up close.
Today we also walked a LOT and wandered around Picadilly, Regent St etc shopping area. Very posh shops - window shopping.
We also made the "mistake" of catching the tube in peak hour. What a rush that was. The kids certainly knew they were not in Canberra any more! The number of people jamming themselves into the trains is amazing. It really was quite an experience that I am glad we have done but we will avoid in our next few days.
Wow you all look so remarkably well.Lovely to see the photos of you all - well done, keep up the good work! Nothing interesting is happening here - sorry. we are off to Blueys beach for a week next week so we will look forward to catching up on your travels when we return. Have fun-stay safe.Powers xxx PS. Chris, saw the subie doing donuts on the oval yesterday - they must love that car!