What a day to be in Stratford-Upon-Avon! Shakespeare's birthday! I would like to say that we are so clever that we planned it this way, but it was purely a lucky coincidence. And what a fabulous day we had. We started out with just a wander through the town. The kids and Ann did some brass rubbings - a fun passtime and something to bring home. We wandered on to the Church where Shakespeare is buried and through some lovely gardens.
Next we went rowing on the river Avon - lots of fun and managed to keep away from the barges - just.
We joined a walking tour of Stratford which took us past the birthplace of Shakespeare.
Because of the celebrations we were lucky enough to see an amazing marching band - performing in front of Shakespeare's birthplace - fabulous!
After a really yummy fish and chip dinner - Ann went alone to see the Royal Shakespeare Company performance of King Lear!! How fabulous. What an experience this was - on Shakespeare's birthday no less. Loved every minute of it - even if I did not understand every minute of it :)
Fabulous day.
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